Monday, March 31, 2014


Excuse my french but HELL YEAH! Green tea has countless studies on why its great for your body. My personal weight lose journey of 89 lbs so far included green tea the whole way. Green tea can play a major role in speeding up your metabolism due to the Ingredient catechin in green tea. Which means
Green tea is made from un-oxidized leaves and is the least processed type of tea and therefore contains the most antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine  20-45 milligrams per 8 oz cup compared to black tea which has about 50 milligrams and coffee with 95 milligrams per cup. So instead of grabbing that sugary soda opt for a cup of green tea, hot or cold.

Green Tea Detox Tip:
As soon as you wake up, heat up a cup of green tea and add fresh lemon juice ( about half a lemon) and watch the backed up waste flow out...and I do mean flow out. So make sure you have at less an hour before you have to leave the house. That's why its best to do it as soon as you wake up. You will thank me later! :)

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