What made you want to enter the tattoo world?
Landon: "Visual art has coursed through my veins since I could pick up a drawing utensil. I remember drawing King Triton from the little mermaid when I was around 3 years old. It looked horrid of course, but I remember the excitement I felt while doing it. I still feel that today when I create something. After going to college for a few years, I began work on a 6 page essay on the absurdity of futile labor and the work of Albert Camus. I got 3 pages in before a fit a existential rage hit me. I closed my computer and never went back to school. A few months later I moved back to my home town to pursue a career in tattooing with my best friend who became my mentor."

How long have you been tattooing?
Landon: "1 year and 2 months."

What inspires your art?
Landon: "My art goes through phases. I enjoy exploring the taboo subjects of today through different styles. Lately I have been going through an old school maritime/engraving stylistic approach to strange imagery. I take my inspiration from dreams, essays, poetry, social commentary, cultural icons, demonized characters, emotion, and add a bit of things I just think look really cool."

What was the first tattoo you ever did?
Landon: "A flower referenced from a friends dead grandmothers china set. My mentor later made it look WAY better. Thank god."

So I know your not an android or anything right? You didn't just pick up a tattoo machine and know it all lol. So what part of tattooing did you have difficulty with?
Landon: "Everything about tattooing is difficult. But that is what makes it so exciting. You can never be perfect. The challenge is always there. And it is always fulfilling to create something someone will love forever. I still struggle today with color blending. Some days I just GET IT. And others I feel lost."

What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business?
Landon: "My family has always been supportive of my craziness, and my friends were stoked from the beginning, of course."

What tattoo style are you just DOPE at?
Landon: "I am not far along enough in my career to declare a "DOPE"-ness in any style. I am still exploring. I am still falling in love with it everyday I get to work."

What would you say is your favorite part of tattooing?
Landon: "My fav thing about tattooing is when you and a client just get each other and trust one another to create a beautiful permanent expression of self on their bodies.

Are there any tattoo artists that you have admire and looked at when developing your own style of tattooing?
Landon: "Tattoo artists I admire and pull inspiration from are Carissa Coleman, Diana DeAugustine, and Duke Riley."

Were are you located?
Landon: "Currently I am in Tampa, Florida. It's funny. You caught me in a place of transition. I leave the shop I currently work at on the 15th of February. I will resume work in Brooklyn, NYC the first week of March. Still trying to find a new home I can grow at there. Because that is what it is about to me. Finding a place where everyone is way beyond you and working your way up the totem poll."

What would you recommend to someone wanting to get into the tattoo busniness?
Landon: "Draw. Every day. If you don't have passion for this, you shouldn't do it. If you aren't willing to take a mental and physical beating for a REAL career, you shouldn't do this. There are enough people in the industry right now that don't work for what they have, and it shows in their tattoo art."

Twitter: @tattoosbylandon
Instagram: @TattoosByLandon