What is the meaning of your name?
Bravado: "The meaning or purpose of my name Bravado is a representation of my character, whether that be on or off the mic , when I’m dancing, painting, writing poetry or expressing my true self in anything that I do. If you look up the definition of ‘’ Bravado ‘’ in any type of dictionary you will see definitions along the lines of ‘’confident or brave talk or behavior that is intended to impress other people.‘’ So that being said I chose a stage name that fits my true character .‘’Bravado’’ is just a face for other confident or outgoing individuals.

When did you know you wanted to pursue a music career?
Bravado: "I came to the realization I wanted to pursue a music career when I realized the positive effects it had on me and others. I’ve always been around music. Since I was five I just always loved the feeling of music the whole idea of it, and how it brought people together. I believe every child is hip to music more by watching cartoons and programs. I remember watching shows like The Wiggles, Barney and other kid sitcoms that taught some fundamentals including music. I kind of feel like those shows were an introduction to music and how it could effect you in a possitive way. An example would be like when I was younger in preschool and pre-k after everybody was done playing with toys the teacher would sing Barney’s clean up clean up, everybody do your share song. And just the sweet sound of her voice and vibe she was releasing actually would make us all feel good and want to clean up . Lol it might sound corny but that was just a little push that sparked an interest in me for having something to do with music."

What is your inspiration?
Bravado:  "My inspiration would be life and everything that I see and take in; but not just what I see with my eyes but in thought that lies behind what I see. One of my favorite quotes that I love to use from the phenomenal philosopher Terence Mckenna is ‘’ The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.’’ Anybody who thinks will understand the meaning and significance of this quote. I mean I’m just so passionate about everything that I do, in my music, my art, my dancing, my poetry just in whatever I do I will always find inspiration from something. For those who know of me, know that I love art; but for those who know me, know who my favorite artists and art styles are. My inspiration for painting or drawing or art itself would be Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol & Pablo Picasso. If your not familiar with their art styles and techniques – Dali is a surrealist artist, Warhol is a pop art artist and Picasso is known for cubism. Those are the three artist that help inspire me to do art. Now inspiration to do music or what influences me to write would just be the thought of expression. Music is what connects people. My past and my future inspires me to write what I write. The best way a person can get to know me is through my music truly. I feel as tho questions should never be asked, you should just be able to listen to people’s lyrics and just know …

What do you want people to take from your music?
Bravado: "That question deserves an oscar lol. Honestly what I want people to take in or feel when listening to my music is confidence. I can never stress my drive for confidence enough. Confidence to express, confidence to be different, confidence to love, to be humble, to be peaceful and have fun ; not trip off of irrelevance and just be happy and live. That’s what I want people to take in from my music because I’m gonna talk about it all. The pain and the happiness. You will know what its about through my music, and hopefully hop on board.

What are you working on now?
Bravado: "Currently I am working on a mixtape and a clothing line! I don’t want to express or talk about the mixtape to much saying its gonna be this or that, harder than this person or that person, I’m a be working with him or her; I just honestly want people to listen and hear the expression from the music themselves. For them to understand that the music is the closest way they’re going to reach me. My music is an open book. I just strongly want to be heard and know that I’m a touch someone and make a difference. I just want people to give my music a chance, wether I’m a person’s favorite artist or not is irrelevant to me, somewhere along the lines I just hope they can respect what I’m saying. Now the clothing line we can talk about! The clothing line (which my mixtape will be entitled more than likely) is called ‘’OutCV$T ‘’. My definition of OutCV$T: A unique misunderstood individual who stands out from others, and is highly confident about being different. That pretty much sums up myself. The idea of OutCV$T goes back to confidence. Anybody who likes to wear clothing that’s abstract, unorthodox or not the usual will definitely love and wear OutCV$T . Anybody who wears the clothing is an OutCV$T. Just me being in school being joked on about my style and being different is what made me want to push this. I never could see the thought process of why people would want to look alike and not be different. I always tell people I’m the type of person that if everybody in the world starts wearing their hats forward, I will be that one person in 7billion or however many people exist today, who wears mines backwards or vise versa. I can say that truthfully and confidently. I’m just not one to conform. But whoever thinks outside the box, ever been bullied, outcasted or whoever just felt like they didn’t belong OutCV$T is something you can rep confidently. My goal is to get many people to rep it!"

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